New start: Dance into May
For our folklore dance group Berlin-Köpenick, the “Tanz in den Mai” in the Britzer Garten in Berlin is practically a new beginning after a two-year break due to corona.
On May 1st there is traditional dancing on the fairground stage in the Britzer Garden. After the event had to be canceled in 2020 and 2021, the LAG Tanz Berlin called on its member groups to participate. And we’re in.
About 100 dancers from groups of the LAG Tanz show with a lot of joy and enthusiasm what they have cultivated and not forgotten during the corona-related break.
The program is inclusive and intercultural. International folk dances from many countries – some in original costumes – are a central theme in the open dance groups.
In addition to Israeli dances, Greek folk dances and numerous traditional German dances are also shown. But also beat and pop dances as well as line dancing are on the program.
The Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tanz Berlin eV (LAG Tanz) presents itself on May 1st from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm in this colorful programme.