Für das letzte Frühlingsfest im Jahr 2019 hatte Martin Ströfer ein schönes Tanzprogramm mit 38 Tänzen zusammengestellt. Foto: Verein Alte Schule Wendisch Evern

Spring Festival: Dance and fun at the old school

The Lüneburg folk dance community plans to hold the 8th Spring Festival.

The spring festival with lots of folk dancing takes place outdoors at the bakery. As always, your physical well-being will be taken care of. There are cakes from the bakery, tart and bratwurst, as well as coffee and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

The organizer asks for a donation for the music (Martin and his musicians) and the dance floor. If you are interested and have the time, please contact Manfred Bartels by May 15, 2022 (e-mail: muh.bartels@freenet.de ; Tel. 04131 5945903) or Martin Ströfer (E-Mail: m.ströfer@volkstanz.de ; Tel. 03303 5880985).


22. May 2022


14:00 - 18:00


Wendisch Evern near Lüneburg, at the old school
Ringstrasse 8, 21403 Wendisch Evern


Lüneburg folk dance community