Schon auf der letzten Brandenburgischen Landesgartenschau in Wittstock im Jahr 2019 konnte der mhtv seine bunte Trachtenvielfalt präsentieren. Foto: mhtv

Summer garden: traditional costumes at the Brandenburg LAGA

22 May from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the main grandstand of the Brandenburg State Horticultural Show in Beelitz

At the “Summer Garden” on the main grandstand of the State Garden Show in Beelitz on May 22, 2022, everything revolves around traditional costumes and folk dance. The Mitteldeutscher Heimat- und Trachtenverband (mhtv) is a guest. In a colorful program, traditional costumes are presented, folk dances are danced and folk songs are sung.

There is also musical support from Gerd Christian, Monika Herz and pop singer Corinna Anders.


22. May 2022


11:00 - 13:30


LAGA Beelitz, grandstand
Grounds of the Brandenburg State Horticultural Show 2022, Steinhorst, 14547 Beelitz


LAGA Beelitz